Sunday, March 8, 2015

Hello Integrated Technology!

21st Century Professional Development in Halton

Over the course of the past 3 years, Professional learning in Halton has taken some big steps forward. Along with the traditional workshops  and institutes, where teachers listen to subject leaders and walk away with new resources and ideas, teachers now have the chance to dig deeper!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Beyond AQ Courses

Teachers in today's schools are very lucky!  Never before have there been so many professional learning opportunities available -both online and face to face.  

Friday, February 27, 2015

Parent/Community Engagement Roles

One of our Superintendents has Community and Parent Engagement in his portfolio. Parental engagement looks different across the school board but a number of strategies are in place to encourage them to be involved.
The Parent Involvement Committee meets several times a year and sponsors a number of Parent information evenings with special guests as well an annual conference.

Each school council is encouraged to have a representative on the PIC, although this does not always happen. Information regarding the PIC events is shared to all schools through our Synervoice computer automated messaging system.

Recently, the HDSB announced the adoption of Edsby. Edsby is a Staff/Student/Parent portal that would streamline communication from schools and the school board to parents, allow teachers to post announcements and homework items on a 'facebook-type' platform. Schools are piloting the program with potential board wide adoption over the next year or so.

Some of our highschools have Parent Engagement Coordinators who also work with the school community to promote common understanding, support and work with community agencies to support students in the school.

As our Superintendent, Mr. Eatough writes, "The Halton District School Board Parent Involvement Committee recognizes parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children and in the success of schools."

Effective Communication

In the Ontario Ministry of Education's document entitled, "Shared Solutions" strategies and best practices for working with parents are outlined.  While this document is specifically focused on the relationships between schools and parents of students with special needs, many of the tips and strategies are applicable to all.  The document also provides some quick tear-out sheets teachers could use when working with parents. 

Interestingly, the document recommends an 'inquiry' model for addressing concerns and seeking solutions to issues that arise.  The document stresses the importance of building an open, positive environment where it is safe to ask questions as well as actively listening to what others have to say.

Having staff aware of strategies for addressing difficult situations or parents is also important, but often something that is not addressed in PD workshops.  Learning how to diffuse a heated conversation or respond to a parent who is upset can go a long way to ensuring that positive relationships between home and school remain intact.

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The ideas, opinions and information expressed in the Hamel TechTalk blog are my own, unless otherwise stated. Occasionally material that belongs to someone else will be shared. Please request permission from the owner if you wish to use an idea that has been shared here. Thank you.