Saturday, January 31, 2015

Keeping "Social" Teachers Safe

Social Media Tools, like Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram have become increasingly prevalent in the lives of most everyone!  And while these tools are a great way to stay connected and share your ideas and thoughts with the world, Teachers need to know how to draw the line.  

Read below for a starting point of Do's and Don'ts.

21st Century Policies in Halton

Halton has a number of policies and procedures in place for ICT. Our Chief Information Officer oversees all ICT and Information Services business, including technology, libraries and communication to the public. Our CIO create an advisory team to meet 4 times a year. It is a group of Administrators, Trustees, School Programs staff and Teachers and I happen to be one of them. We meet quarterly and during these meetings we review policy changes, issues that have arisen and share feedback about plans that are in the works. As an example, we recently began some internet filtering as a result of a few minor events that took place in elementary schools in our board. It was a hotly contested move, but the CIO brought it to the team so we could share our feedback and help him to understand what messaging would need to go out to schools and to parents.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Why School?

Why School? by Will Richardson 
In his book, Will describes his son's introduction to the world of Minecraft and how mesmerizing it was to watch the skill set his son employs to learn all about this new online world.  This mirrors my own experiences with my own children!  We have Tech Tickets -each one good for 30 minutes of screen time.  They can be earned, traded and taken away.  It is our way of trying to protect that brilliant necessity of childhood -play.  But, as my children grow, reality is beginning to set in.  Their childhood will be different than my own.  No longer are there spontaneous knocks on the front door, "Can Z come out at play?", parents are working, kids are at camp or rep hockey practice.  Play is arranged just like a dentist appointment!!  But perhaps the spontaneous play is happening -but online!  
Will Richardson's first chapter talks about the need for reform in education and how, at this point in time, education has a choice to make.  It immediately reminded me of this video -a TedX talk about a young man who had the opportunity to take control of his learning.  

Web 2.0

How has the web 2.0 changed the ways leaders can share, teach and support teachers?

Very simply, the Web 2.0 has allowed teachers and leaders to connect over distances and in real time. It also allows leaders who might be presenting to a larger group to access the thinking in the room. Tools like the Google Drawing that I posted would easily facilitate a room full of staff sharing their ideas. Similarly, contributing tools and resources by responding to a google form or using something like Today'sMeet to accept questions during a presentation allows leaders to respond and gauge the audiences understanding, readiness and engagement in a matter or minutes. Modelling the use of these tools is key to motivating the audience members -if only just a small percentage -to try a similar tool in their own practice.

These tools are some of the 'must-haves' in the toolbelt of 21st Century Leaders and teachers. Check them out!!
What is your 'go-to' tool??

Did You Know??

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Evolution of the Web

    Boy, have we come a long way!  I still remember a colleague of mine commenting that the Internet would never last and now look how dependent we have become of our Wi-Fi!  Web 1.0 (READ) was a huge step for education and the access it provided to information was unprecedented.  Being able to access databases of information without having to dig through the basements of university archives was extraordinary!  Teachers and students were able to access and read information from new collections and perspectives.  

Sunday, January 18, 2015

21st Century Leaders in Education

Over the span of my teaching career, I have worked with new, keen teachers eager to try the latest and greatest, willing to take a risk and change their teaching practice to include new technologies like iPads and Smartboards and I have worked with teachers who stick firmly to the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it' mentality and really struggle with the 'whys' of technologies in the classroom. I have also been able to sit at the table with Trustees, Admin and IT Leaders to discuss the bigger picture about technology and the road we are on in education.  

1.4 Reflection

What is the role of the teacher as a LEADER when it pertains to learning, using and understanding 21st Century tools? How can teachers and school leaders model FAIR use of content?
The role of the teacher as it pertains to learning, using and understanding 21st century tools should be to act as a 'guide'.  By modelling to students and colleagues how technology can be used effectively in education, how to question sources and ask critical questions, by demonstrating what it means to be a digital citizen and how to respect the work and rights of others is key to helping our students and our peers become more than a passive user of content and instead an active, thinking contributor.  

Friday, January 16, 2015


Welcome to my blog!  In this blog, I will share my thoughts, wonderings and reflections about the use of technology in education.  

I have been a Teacher-Librarian and Technology lead for the past 8 years, and an Assistive Technology Coach for 2 years.  

I hope you will enjoy reading this blog, find something that resonates with you and share your thoughts and ideas as well!

1.2 Reflection

How can teacher leaders, coaches, consultants, etc.,  use/teach social networking tools in their roles (Provide rationale about why (or not) these skills should be addressed or used at the leadership level.

Technology is everywhere and as educational leaders, the use of social networking tools can be a HOT topic!  

Students, parents and colleagues alike rely more and more on their device to provide the answers they need, share and find ideas and to connect with friends, family and often times, teachers. As a teacher leader, social networking tools can help to keep the lines of communication open and share information in a timely and convenient way. With the right audience and meaningful entries, social networking tools can enhance a school's sense of community and support, open dialogue and transparency.

Fair Use

The ideas, opinions and information expressed in the Hamel TechTalk blog are my own, unless otherwise stated. Occasionally material that belongs to someone else will be shared. Please request permission from the owner if you wish to use an idea that has been shared here. Thank you.