Saturday, February 14, 2015

Twitter for Tools

This past week, I ventured onto to Twitter to explore #ATchat. After reading through a number of tweets, I decided to throw a question into the 'Twitterverse' to see what happened. I have posted questions before with specific hashtags without any responses, but am not sure if I approached it the right way. Much to my surprise, someone did respond to my question and this started a conversation back and forth. The teacher I was talking to asked thoughtful questions to gain better insights into the needs of the student I was thinking about and then provided some great tools and suggestions about what could help this student. I was curious to know more about the person I had connected with and discovered he was from California and passionate about AT.

I will admit that I was skeptical about the whole process. I know many teachers who participate in Twitter 'chats' but wasn't convinced that it would lead to much for my own learning, but I was wrong. After this twitter conversation, I logged on to the #ATchat on Wednesday evening. It was interesting to watch the sharing of information, comments and how the facilitator kept the chat going. It is something that I will check out again and perhaps participate in more often. It has also piqued my curiosity about some of the other 'chats' I see advertised and I am more willing to check them out as well.

If I were going to recommend any tips or tricks I would say -follow a chat taking place, and just watch, get a sense of the conversations. But, also be prepared to contribute. I am learning that its one thing to be an online observer but a better experience to be an active participant. Be thoughtful in your posts. Be respectful and supportive -but not afraid to be a 'critical friend' as well.

Twitter will be a new, great way for me to connect with experts from all over the world. Can't wait to keep digging down to see what else I can find and who else I can connect with...and best of all, how I can share this global community with my students!!


  1. You are giving me more reason to keep tweeking with twitter.... I am still trying to figure out the hashtag stuff..... I am certain that this could be very enlightening especially my adult students with varied interests. thanks

  2. Ah! I should have been more on top of things. I would have joined the chat with you Nicole! I have been on Chats with many people at once and to be honest, found it difficult to follow. By the time I think of a response or post something, the chat has moved on. HOwever, the resources obtained are amazing and the fact that there are experts available and at my finger tips (literally) is why I keep going back for more.


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